Update your interests and explore the platform

Within Figure 1, you can create a personalized feed unique to you and your interests as well as view clinical content outside of your specialty. Both your personalized feed and the explore feed are organized in reverse chronological order, meaning new cases appear at the top.

How do I add or revise my interests to create a personalized feed?

On mobile

  1. Navigate to Account Settings/Settings and select Manage your interests
  2. Select Add More Interests
  3. Begin typing the interest, specialty or subspecialty you wish to add
  4. Select your choice from the options list and tap Next
  5. To remove an interest, tap the X to the right of the interest name
  6. Tap Save to save your changes

On the web

  1. Navigate to Account Settings/Settings and select Your Interests
  2. Begin typing the interest, specialty or subspecialty you wish to add
  3. Select your choice from the options list
  4. To remove an interest, tap the X to the right of the interest name
  5. Tap Save to save your changes

How do I explore outside of my specialty?

On mobile

  1. Tap Explore
  2. Tap View all beside to the specialty you’d like to view

On the web

  1. Go to the By Specialty area on the side bar
  2. Select the specialty you’d like to view